exercise sucks. motivation can help.
Unpopular opinion: training CAN be fun, but training is not supposed to focus on fun and enjoyment. however, satisfaction and empowerment should be emphasized OF COURSE, so always keep what you want floating overhead.
Fitness professionals and personalities alike are giving tons of information, creative workouts, and encouragement online. only you can decide what to do with that.
Anyone can make you sweat. That’s why there’s so much shit online. Some coaches can write a good program that makes sense. That’s why there’s so much shit online. A good coach will motivate you and keep you accountable. But only you can make yourself get moving. That’s the beauty of all the shit online.
Find a program or a coach who can guide you through a long-term understanding of how to meet your needs. Anyone can make you sweat. There is more to fitness than just trying to shrink or #thicc-en parts of your body. Think about what you really want out of life. Adhering to a program that fulfills those needs is what makes training fun and enjoyable.
Chase something real.
Chase strength. Chase endurance. Chase satisfaction. Chase movement that is free of pain.
The confidence will follow. The physique will follow.
Respect movement as more than an afterthought.
Move your body. Everyday.