chase something real and the physique will follow.

These were taken 6 months apart. In one picture, I felt like I had to “get my body back” toward the end of a month long vacation.

This was during a summer of training purely for aesthetics, which I don’t think is a vain approach. It’s just so boring. A month of travel and leisure made me guilty for not spending two hours in a gym everyday, but also when you’re exploring new cities. In the other, I felt strong like I was in the best shape since I was in college and probably spent half the time I did last year training.

Same weight in both pictures. Training volume and approach completely different.

What I can do now from a skills, strength, and power standpoint shits on how I was conditioned a year ago. So why fixate only on how you look? It takes years to maintain changes that you work hard for.

Chase something real and the physique will follow.

This is not the time to stop moving. This might be the best time to redefine your fitness goals. Perhaps make them more athletic. Or maybe just more human.

You’ll be safer from injury and more ready for the world when we’re allowed to travel and go outside again in 2030.

Move/eat/think like you love yourself. Everyday.


who cares what you get out of exercise?


a question for #fitness.