who cares what you get out of exercise?

Why do we consider our bodies on such transactional terms?

Demographics indicate that the world’s population ≥ 60 years old will more than triple within 50 years from 600 million in 2000 to >2 billion by 2050 (according to the WHO). We’re currently in a crisis in which we want to mitigate overwhelming the healthcare system.

Consider that concept when you decide you don’t need to move your body.

I preach this not because I am necessarily concerned about your physique. I’m concerned about our generation, already unknowingly reliant on low protein diets and misinformed passive modalities to manage structural injuries.

In 30 years, there could be overwhelming demand for geriatricians, occupational therapists, and other health care providers in the future because so many of us are not responsibly managing our health right now. That societal strain can be prevented!

We can come up with every reason to do nothing if we only see what we can get out of something. Can we shift the collective idea that movement is something that you just...do? Not just for the feeling or the look, but for the collective and preventive good?

Things you don’t need:
- motivation
- discipline
- grand proclamations on how productivity to feel value is a reductive notion of capitalist manipulation

You need to respect humanity. Yours and everyone else’s.

Everyone is preaching right now. Sure, it’s a lot of information (consider this an influx of free consulting). But there’s a reason. Atrophy is real. Chronic disease is real. Reliance on drugs is real. Muscles are the organs of longevity!

I’m not here to shame anyone. I just want you to find less reasons for inaction and more time for honoring your body. It helps everyone.

Move your body. Everyday.


Professionals' Collective


chase something real and the physique will follow.